Pause in the Moment

Pause in the Moment


It’s so very easy to take offense, or meaning to take something personally, when you hear of others talking about a judgment from God or some sort of thing that’s wiping out the evil or fighting against evil. Those who say this do not know what they say is touching you in that way, they have a strong belief system, as do we all, and are speaking from their concerned hearts.

They feel that the fires or the destruction we see here on Earth is from Source, and quite honestly, this type of reasoning does date back to long before Jesus or anyone we know of today was “known”. I get this based on an instinct as I continue to work on my awakening but also, it’s something others have shared information about.

You will only trust information from someone who you find credible and that aligns somewhere with your own belief patterns. This is how most humans behave.

I, well I, have naturally been open to ideas and belief  systems. I know where I stand and what I feel inclined to be the truth of this reality we created, but that is something I try to not place a strong ego on to keep me from hearing other people. I try to see where other souls are coming from, and most often I see them coming from love, passion, sadness, fear, or anger.

These are all fine emotions. We must feel these, but we cannot use them against the other. We need to use feelings for each other to uplift the whole. This means that we should often hear what someone says, “God is wiping the evil that is this state off the planet” or similar thoughts cause anger, hurt, sadness, and more. This is quite honestly normal. One would typically feel that way if they feel personally attacked.

These are not well-chosen words, nor can the average person define what the intention of Source is. All we can do is harness the power, channel it, and use it for good in light. Sometimes, we humans get our words are wrong. We know the bigger picture of something but our words and sentence structures are not carefully crafted to convey the entirety of the messaging.

The fires, and all the destruction we are seeing right now is truly something I feel is some dark energy clashing with some major light energy. Light always prevails to a beautiful age. Even if you don’t look at this from a spiritual perspective, you can see this light vs. dark a general concept since the dawn of our kind that we know about.

There are plenty of things that we forgot because we’ve had experiences, our parents raised us with beliefs of don’t’ do this or do that, and society frowned or smiled upon us teaching us the ways to be. Over time, we’ve become so disconnected from Source, that we just forget. We forget that there are larger happenings around us at all times, and we forget that we are supposed to be loving and kind.

We seem to know how to be, and we lecture others on how to be, but when in practice; sometimes we forget and often it is those people super distant to us or super close to us that get that darker side of our reactions or emotions.

So today, I want you to remember that when someone is talking about good vs. evil or light vs. dark and how the dark and light spirits are cleansing or taking over in some way – remember that it’s nothing about you personally. Sometimes we forget the human life within the bigger picture we see in our dreams and our unique reality … we forget to have a little compassion and try to use our word lightly to bring more light to your heart. Instead, we use words that seem attacking and frightening and end up stirring up the darkness in you and you lash out or lay down and cry.

Fear not the darkness. Fear not the light. Both are here to bring you a balance that allows us all to know when to use either, and to know that they exist. We can use our dark and light energy for loving intentions. As long as you pause and not repeat the same lower frequency attacking vibes; then you can continue to observe what people are saying and try to comprehend it from a learning view, yes even in the midst of chaos.

I know your heart is aching, I can feel it. I know it to be true. I don’t need to watch the flashy news stations with their dramatic storylines, in fact I rarely do, I can sense that you’re hurting and that others in our consciousness our brothers and sisters of the world are hurting. Let us, those in the light and working with the light, to watch our words, and tread lightly to show up in kind, compassion, and love at all times for all people regardless of our knowing or belief o the spiritual happenings.



This content is provided for informational purposes. Always consult a healthcare provider, or professional that knows you best before attempting anything we feature here as guidance. We only share for ideas and guidance and we know this is not for everyone to use as shared. Please use it as a knowledge base to learn more and find what does help you. 

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