Shower Time Mindful Practice
As I stood in the shower, letting the water flow down my body, my mind became still. All I heard was the gentle whirling of water around my body, and I could feel every piece of water connect as if to give my body a hug. I heard the sound of it dripping down to the bottom of the shower, but all I could really focus on was the feeling.
An immense feeling of love and connection.
I had such a loving feeling in my heart at this moment. The water almost gave me such a big hug that I had a rush of Universal energy flowing through my entire being in this one moment. I nearly cried. The tears started to arrive to my eyeballs, and it stopped that meditation.
In that moment of tears trying to emerge, I lost my mindful moment.
The water no longer felt like a warm hug, it felt more like just plain water, flowing down my body washing away the soap suds.
The next time I stood in the shower, I decided to practice this shower mindfulness again. I stood in the shower, I let the water flow down my body, my mind became still. Any time a thought arrived, I told my mind to pause.
This time, I heard more than just the water. I could hear the soaps suds as they flowed down my body, I could feel their texture, and I could begin to tell the difference between the water touching me and the soap suds sliding down my body.
Listen to the water, my friend.
And in a few moments, I felt it again. I felt that warm embrace by the water as if it was wrapped around me in the shape of a scarf, giving me the biggest hug ever.
I felt an immense feeling of love and connection.
You may wonder, “Why is she sharing her shower story with us?”
It’s simple, really. The closer I get to that natural energy course, the more I realize that my addictions to this world, such as physical pleasure and alcoholic over consumption, were not a natural way for me. It was, in fact, hindering my ability to connect to this natural energy that we all can connect to.
I recently discovered, in my season of barely touching alcohol (more on that another day), that I was using alcohol to numb a lot of things. It was to numb my God speaking to me. It was to numb my knowing that the physically connected addictions I had were wrong or at a minimum, they were more in the dark side of my inner world.
Through the releasing of all the things I used to enjoy once oh so much, yes I mean sex and alcohol, I came to a more peaceful space where I’m once again connected to God.
This God energy that I shared above is something we all have access to. When you quiet your mind from carrying you away from this moment pause the sexual attention you desire to FEEL ALIVE, or when you pause the alcohol consumption so that you’re not overconsuming it, that connection may arrive quicker.
This is not to say you have to remove these things to feel connected, but I highly suggest the attempt to do so.
This God source may connect with you out in nature as you mindfully watch the river water flow. This source of energy may connect with you, as it did with me, in the shower where no one else can come in to disrupt that meditation.
Yes, it is meditation, my friends.
I bet you didn’t realize how simple it is to meditate.
Or maybe you did.
If you know how simple it is, then why don’t you challenge yourself this year; practice taking a mindful shower. Whether you’re the type that showers every day or you shower a few times a week, it doesn’t matter.
You don’t have to get into the shower to wash your or body either, just get in to use it as your meditation chamber. Be careful with this. If you’re prone to slipping or you are prone to drifting off during mediation, this may not be safe to do.
Work within what makes the safest sense for your current scenario.
How about that, a shower for a meditation chamber? I love that concept.
More on that another day … for now, please use this story as a method to help you connect with that source energy that feels like falling in love all over again with that adorable man or woman you so desired at one point …. That first kiss or touch is all the feelings that come to mind when that warm water wraps itself around me in the shower.
Each day, I quiet my mind and do my shower time mindful practice.
May this year bring you new awakening moments such as this one. Love and light to you.
This content is provided for informational purposes. Always consult a healthcare provider, or professional that knows you best before attempting anything we feature here as guidance. We only share for ideas and guidance and we know this is not for everyone to use as shared. Please use it as a knowledge base to learn more and find what does help you.