The Dark Night of the Soul: Finding Light Through the Shadows

The Dark Night of the Soul: Finding Light Through the Shadows

I had a recent moment of lapse in judgement. I had a tug to try to make something out of nothing. This isn't meant to be mean, it's just a matter of act. I trust my Guardian Angels, my Soul Fam, and others who truly know more than I about what the universe is telling me.

Today, as I pulled the 5 of Cups card from my Light Seers Tarot deck, I was reminded to let go of a relationship or connection that created a dark knight of the soul experience for me, and this is what inspired my content below. Continue reading to learn more about how you can work through the pain that comes with this Dark Knight of the Soul experience.

There is a light at the end; you can find it, you can hold it, and you can be it. Love you. 

There are moments in life where we feel like we’ve hit rock bottom. The pain is unbearable, the loss overwhelming, and the sense of self completely shattered. These moments are often referred to as the Dark Night of the Soul—a period of deep, spiritual crisis where everything we thought we knew crumbles before us. It’s a time of destruction, but also of rebirth.

I’ve been there. I know what it’s like to feel lost, drowning in the sorrow of a failed relationship that drained me emotionally, spiritually, and physically. I know what it’s like to lose the very thing that kept me anchored—my children—because I needed to ensure their stability when I had none. The weight of that reality nearly broke me. I turned to alcohol to numb the pain, to quiet the voices of shame, regret, and despair. It was a dark, endless tunnel, but somehow, somewhere, a spark of light emerged.

That light was always within me. I just had to remember.

Through deep reflection, support from my spiritual guides, and a fierce determination to reclaim my truth, I found my way back. I emerged stronger, more aware, and with a renewed sense of purpose. I learned to set boundaries. I learned to forgive myself. I learned to listen—to my own heart, to my children, to the lessons hidden within my pain.

If you are in your own Dark Night of the Soul, please know that you are not alone. Here are some ways to help you navigate this season and trust your guidance as you find your way back to the light:

1. Allow Yourself to Feel Everything

Suppressing emotions only deepens the suffering. Let yourself grieve, rage, cry, and express the hurt. Feel it fully so you can eventually release it.

2. Acknowledge That This Is Temporary

Pain convinces us that it will last forever, but it won’t. This darkness is part of your journey, not the end of it. It is shaping you into a wiser, stronger version of yourself.

3. Seek Support from Trusted Sources

Whether it’s a spiritual mentor, a close friend, a therapist, or your own inner guides, don’t go through this alone. Share your pain, ask for help, and allow yourself to be held in love.

4. Reconnect with Your Spiritual Self

Meditation, prayer, journaling, or simply sitting in stillness can help you reconnect with your inner wisdom. Your soul knows the way out, even when your mind doesn’t.

5. Choose Healthier Coping Mechanisms

Numbing the pain with alcohol, drugs, or distractions only prolongs the suffering. Instead, find outlets that nurture your soul—nature walks, creative expression, exercise, or breathwork.

6. Understand That This is a Sacred Transformation

This isn’t punishment. It’s a rite of passage. You are shedding the old so that the new, more enlightened version of you can emerge. Embrace the rebirth.

7. Practice Self-Forgiveness

You are human. You are learning. You are evolving. What may seem like mistakes are actually stepping stones toward your growth. Forgive yourself and move forward with compassion.

8. Listen to Your Intuition

Your gut instincts, your inner knowing—these are gifts that will guide you forward. Trust the whispers of your soul, even when they don’t make logical sense.

9. Let Go of What No Longer Serves You

This process often reveals relationships, habits, or beliefs that need to be released. Honor what was, but don’t cling to what is meant to fall away.

10. Recognize That You Will Be Stronger Because of This

When you rise from this darkness, you will see the world differently. You will be more aware, more discerning, and more compassionate. The lessons learned here will serve you in ways you cannot yet imagine.

I am grateful every day that I found my way back to the light, that my family and children have allowed me to heal alongside them, and that I can share this journey with others who need hope. If you are in the dark right now, hold on. The light is still within you. It always has been.

You are not broken. You are becoming.

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